Independence, Problems and Positivity


We are independent, that’s something we like to say; although it may vary from country to country. But are we REALLY??? Now some may say we are , others not. I was just thinking and decided to write about it. Because i consider that independence always had many aspects to it which we ignored or tend to ignore. A country may or may not be independent, we might be constricted by our environment ( government rules, office environment, home , the air we breath. ), circumstances, situation our thoughts and may be many more things.

Although the country independence structure we may not be able to change, but i feel that we can effect our personal surroundings and independence.

The circumstances or environment might not be something we can change but a positive attitude sure is needed to deal with them. We all have a tendency to take a turn towards the negative aspects of life when we face adverse factors in life, that generally happen.

The problems may be your family is going through financial crisis or an emotional one or both, your boss is too rude, your colleagues are not working with you, people are bullying you that may be because of your looks, some choices you made or may be how you are.

My circumstances do not make me what i am, They reveal who i have chosen to be.

– Wayne Dyer


All above cases what happen is we give up our independence to those people, those circumstances, that environment. Our mind just tends to stop thinking and we just want to give up. Some turn away from world, some gets violent, some go in depression, some go to self harm.

Now what we always ask is what to do?? how to solve ??

Accept- then act. Whatever the present moment contains,accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it not against it. This will miraculously transform your whole life.

-Eckhart Tolle


The answer is first accept the situation. If we don’t accept it and just thinking why it happened and why we have to suffer, become self depreciating  than when will we think about how to solve it, how to get out of situation, how to develop further?

There may be problems we find, we think there is no solution. But let me ask you had Jack Ma given up after being rejected by every job He might not have been able to create Alibaba. Recently i was reading about Angelina Jolie ; she was bullied, stuck in drug addiction passed through depression but had she struck in that she wouldn’t be one of best actors. Oprah Winfrey molested, abused , betrayed but she is standing above many now. These are just people i gave example as they came to my mind. You can read about many; these type people not have to be famous they may be from you home or locality too.

So what i tried to say is not to become slaves of our negativism and bad habits. And Please do not think that being independent means do everything o your own. There are times in which you rely on others. Make sure being independent you do not break the relations , the roots from which you grow; unless you cannot do anything about it (because sometimes the other party may not consider in your shoes after many efforts but be sure to give 100% here).

AND be sure that your independence doesn’t harm others. Live and Let Live.

So be independent, be positive, be happy.

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Author: thekstarblog

Hey guys.. I am a student/ freelance ( freelance writing thing i have just started ). Love to sing, read and know new stuff.

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